Saturday 4 June 2016

Canterbury Cathedral, Kent

Canterbury Cathedral

Hello there :) 
This time I want to tell you about one on the oldest historical places in Christianity in England. 
This trip was actually planned very quickly and I hadn't time to prepare myself and at least find out what it's going to be like. That trip was absolutely stunning. So I'm sharing with you some of my pictures just to give you an idea what it was like. Also I'll add some historical facts about this amazing place.  

На сей раз будет и по-русски :)
Итак, сегодня мне хочется поделиться впечатлениями о нашем путешествии в одно из самых старых исторических мест в Англии и истории английского Христианства.
Это путешествие было немного внезапным, поэтому информационно подготовиться я не успела и понятия не имела, что именно мне предстоит увидеть. Думаю, отчасти потому-то и получилось оно таким интересным:)

Canterbury Cathedral in CanterburyKent, is one of the oldest and most famous Christian structures in England. It is also one of the most beautiful cathedrals what i have seen in my life. Majestic and the most impressive cathedral so far. 

Кентенберийский собор в Кентенбери, графство Кент, один из самых старых и известных в Англии. И это оно из самых красивых и величественных зданий, что я видела. Прекрасный и самый впечатляющий собор.

  The cathedral's first bishop Augustine of Canterbury was sent by Pope Gregory the Great in 596 as a missionary to the Anglo-Saxons. Augustine founded the cathedral in 597 and dedicated it to Jesus Christ, the Holy Saviour.

Первый епископ собора- Августин Кентерберийский, посланник Папы Римского- Грегори Великого, прибыл с христианской миссией в 596. Августин основал кафедральный собор в 597 и посвятил его Христу Спасителю. Сказать, что возраст собора потрясает- все равно, что не сказать ничего. 

Кентерберийский собор входит в список Всемирного наследия.

 The cathedral was completely rebuild from 1070 to 1077 and after fire in 1174 was partially rebuild in Gothic style.

Собор был полностью перестроен с 1070 по 1077 и после пожара в 1174 частично достроен и перестроен в готическом стиле.

Ray of sunshine as answer to your prayer :)

Луч солнца- как ответ на ваши молитвы :)

Magnificent mosaics are absolutely fascinating. I could spend there hours just watching colors play in sunshine.  

Величественные мозайки абсолютно и полностью очаровывают. Можно провести часы наблюдая игру лучей в разноцветных узорах.

Very peaceful place. Plenty of little cathedral details can keep you there for a few hours.

Очень умиротворяющее место. Сидеть и разглядывать мелкие детали собора достаточно увлекательно:))

Somewhere in depths of cathedral you can find  tomb of  the Black Prince,  Edward of Woodstock. He was the first Duke of Cornwall and very talented and successful military leader.  Unfortunately I couldn't find why he was called the Black Prince, probably because of color of his armors. 
Anyway it's quite intriguing :) 

Где-то в глубинах собора находится гробница Черного Принца, Эдвард Вуудсток. Он был первым герцогом Корнуольским и очень одаренным и успешным военным лидером. К сожалению, я не смогла найти никакой достоверной информации почему его звали Черным Принцем. Скорее всего просто по цвету его доспехов.
 Хотя это достаточно интригующая загадка :) 

Majestic cathedral entrance. 

Величественные ворота кафедрального собора.

Yeah, that trip was really very interesting and we had a look into every hole  :D

Да, в этот раз, как в прочем и в любой другой, мы заглянули везде :) 


Some modern art was found on our way to cathedral-  Canterbury's Banksy copycat :)

А по дороге в кафедральный собор мы нашли и немного современного уличного искуства- подражатель Банкси, известного граффити художника.

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Wednesday 1 June 2016

Air Balloon Fiesta, Bristol

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 

This time I would like to tell you about one fantastic event, to share with you all impressions and emotions. So story is going to be about Air Balloon Festival :)

Two years ago I've heard about air balloon show for the first time. It was just advert somewhere on the Internet- just an information about where it going to be and beautiful picture of some flying air balloons.

I've been there that year but nothing was happening. All flights were cancelled due to very strong wind and cloudy rainy weather. 

And that time I decided to come back and see what it is like :)

 The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta has been running for over 37 years and is the largest balloon Fiesta in Europe. Can you believe that?! This show is one of the largest outdoor events in the United Kingdom.

You definitely would not be disappointed. 
 Every day twice- in the morning and evening - over 100 balloons start their journey from Ashton Court Estate.

 Magical show. I've spend there just a few hours but it was really magical. 
Spectacular veiw

There were so many balloons flying! We even couldn't count how many. Different sizes. Different colors. Different shapes. 

And sky was just brilliant background for this performance. 

I've seen something very familiar :) 

Do you know where is this air balloon from and where is it flying to?! 

The 38th Bristol International Balloon Festival 11-14th of August 2016. 
 I'll meet you there :) 

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Monday 30 May 2016

Torquay, Devon

Sunny Sunday in Torquay :)

Today's post is going to be about me, my hat and the Ferris wheel in English Riviera:)

It's so easy to get in the car and go somewhere not too far away just to have a walk in beautiful place. Ideal day off work. Perfect bank holiday weekend.
This time it's going to be Torquay, Devon.

And look who lives under the old pier! They were so big! 

And this time we were so lucky to have such a brilliant weather that day.

 Torquay is quite small town located around natural harbor Tor Bay on the English  Channel in lovely English Riviera. Absolutely amazing place, stunning view, fantastic emotions:) Totally worth visiting. 

And yes, I love Ferris wheels. Such a breathtaking view you can see only on top of the Ferris wheel :) 

This city can totally fool you that you are somewhere in Mediterranean. 

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” 
― Agatha Christie

 Torquay was the home of the writer Agatha Chistie, who was born in the town and lived there during her childhood years. 
This is actually the second place in Devon where I "meet" with Agatha Christie and I'm really happy about it because I really love her stories and it's such a big honor to see those places where those stories were born :) 

Absolutely adorable Fleet Street :)

I'm definitely going to be back :)

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Sunday 29 May 2016

Day on the beach

Bovisand beach, Devon

One of my favorite places around Plymouth. Great beach to spend Sunday. 
I can sit there for hours. Watch the ocean, people walking with dogs or even horses. Listen to the ocean, waves and ocean winds.

Jurassic coast is absolute love of my life. I still remember that day when I saw it for the very first time with my eyes and it was shocking. It was a pleasant shock though. I never expected it to be that beautiful. 
Cliffs and caves look absolutely magnificent and inviting.  Dangerous and full of adventures. 

The coast itself is very colorful. It changes all the time. Every month. Every day. 
Different all the time and gorgeous anytime.  

I can't stop watching it. Can't live without it. 
One day I will live right next to Jurassic coast in small village watching tide change every day. 

My bad boy :)

March - 2016

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