Tuesday 7 June 2016

Mount Batten and Firework

Mount Batten and Firework

It was Monday. Do you love Mondays? Probably not. Nobody loves Mondays, but I do. I do really love my Mondays because I have a day off and I can do whatever I want. 
So this Monday I had lovely walk in place where I haven't been before- Mount Batten. 
I live in Plymouth two and a half years and I love to walk in Barbican and on the Hoe and I always wanted to go to other side of the bay. This Monday I did it :) 

Long time ago it was Royal Air Force station and flying boat base which was opened 1917. It was in use in both World Wars. During the Second World War it was proper target for German air forces. 

How to get there? Easy. Just get water taxi from Mayflower Steps in Barbican, Plymouth. Little pretty yellow boat which will take you to other side in 10 minutes :) It operates every day, all year round :) 

RAF station and flying boat base memorial :) 

Stunning view from water taxi on our bay :) 

This little red ferry goes to my most favorite place- little village called Cawsand. It's adorable little village on the coast. But I will tell you about it next time :) 

But do you love sailing as much as I do? I have such a feeling that I could stay on water forever :D 

There is also Mount Batten Breakwater which is not on these photographs. It's about 280 meters long and every year, in mid August it's closed for everyone because of  British Firework Championship.
Basically fireworks "shoots" exactly from breakwater. And actually Firework Championship is one of biggest firework shows- two days, two evenings full of 15-20 minute long sets from each competing group. Believe me or not, but when I was watching it- I felt myself as 5 years old child :D It's so exiting and beautiful! You definitely have to see it at least once! 

So! 16th and 17th August 2016. I'll see you there :) 

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Sunday 5 June 2016

Smeaton's Tower or Love from the first sight.

Smeaton's Tower

My favorite lighthouse. 

When I moved to Plymouth I basically  didn't know anything about this town. I didn't know that almost all town was rebuild after the Second World War. I didn't know about mystical island - Drake's Island- in the bay right in front of The Hoe. I didn't know about The Hoe - very large public place on seafront. And of course I didn't know that there is one amazing lighthouse right on The Hoe - Smeaton's Tower. 

And when I moved here I wasn't sure that I want to stay. 
But when I saw the Hoe and Smeaton's Tower for the first time- I've realised that it's definitely worth to stay here :) 

Anyway I don't want to say too much today. I'll just tell you some facts about this lighthouse and show you how beautiful it is. Simple :) 

So as I was saying above it is situated on the Hoe, very close to waterfront. Perfect place for walk in any time of year. Sunshine in the summer or windy and stormy weather in winter. It's beautiful all year round :)  


Amazing in the sunlight :)

Stunning at night :)

This tower was completely build in 1759. It's 72 feet (22 m) high and was based on  dangerous Eddystone Rocks, about 19 km from Plymouth The lighthouse was showing the way home 123 years and after that it was moved to the Hoe. 

The lighthouse design  was absolutely modern for that time and it still looks awesome :) 
And of course it was named by its designer, John Smeaton. 

OMG!!! OMG!!! It's the same place where The Beatles were sitting in autumn 1963! 

Photo: Getty Images / David Readfern

Hey! Come over here, I'll show you around :P 

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